Welcome to Metro Atlanta Relocation Council

MARC's mission is to provide corporate and service industry relocation professionals the opportunity to meet and work together on a regular basis to educate, to learn and to share knowledge and experiences about current relocation practices and emerging relocation issues in an effort to better serve and address the diverse needs of relocating employees and their families.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide corporate and service industry relocation professionals the opportunity to meet and work together on a regular basis to educate, to learn and to share knowledge and experiences about current relocation practices and emerging relocation issues in an effort to better serve and address the diverse needs of relocating employees and their families.

Calendar / Events



To address the diverse needs of relocating employees and their families use one of our recommended providers.

Community Involvement/Scholarship

MARC Scholarship Program

The Metro Atlanta Relocation Council (MARC) is proud to announce our eleventh annual MARC Scholarship Program for current high school seniors who have relocated into the Atlanta area over the course of their high school career.

The student must have relocated more than 50 miles sometime between grades 9 (after completion of 8th grade) and 12 and changed schools due to their family's relocation. Residence eligibility is defined as a senior attending a private or public school in any city or county district within the 17-County Greater Atlanta area. The applicant must also have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 on a scale of 4.0 (or equivalent achievement on a different scale).

Students will be evaluated on academic performance, extra-curricular activities, and on their response to an essay addressing the way they handled the challenges associated with relocating to a new area and a new high school.

A one-time award of $2,500 will be sent directly to the college that the winning applicant will be attending to assist with tuition, etc.). Completed Applications (which must include the essay, application, and transcripts from the counselor's office) must be received no later than 5:00 pm on March 7, 2025 (no exceptions please).

The winner will be notified of the award and may be invited to participate in a presentation of the scholarship.

Any interested and qualified students review and complete the scholarship documents linked below. These same documents have also been distributed to area high school counseling departments.

For more information about our Scholarship Program please contact: